Useful Calculators and Tools

Looking for some useful money management tools and calculators? The Federal Government through ASIC – the Australian Securities and Investment Commission have some great online resources which you can use to plan for your savings, retirement or debt reduction....

Year of the dragon – Happy New Year!

Wow it is February 2012 already and 6 weeks have now passed since the start of the New Year.  If you’re like most people, this is about the time where the strength of those New Year resolutions, made so enthusiastically a few weeks earlier, is tested. 2012 is the...

Nurse reveals the top 5 regrets people make on their deathbed

What a remarkable set of words about the importance of living a life true to yourself and true to the plans and goals you want to achieve. I found this today during my facebook and twitter readings and just had to share it – these are not my words but WOW!!...

Saving the Eurozone – Market Update

Today we have seen the Reserve Bank of Australia cut interest rates by 0.25% to 4.5% which is good news for those with mortgage debt and makes it a little more challenging for those with money in a bank account trying to maximise income return. In October we saw a...

RIP Steve Jobs

Those clients who I work with on an ongoing basis know my ‘mac’ fetish with my iPhone, iPad, Macbook and iMac all assisting streamline with how we do business on a day to day basis. This Stanford graduation speech Steve presented in 2005 resonates with the...

Strap In or Jump Out?

What has happened? So many have heard about the happenings in the financial markets over the last few months from the news reporting but here is a quick recap: Equity markets have fallen Risk related currencies such as the Australian Dollar have weakened Corporate...